السادة / شركة مصرية بلازا للتنمية السياحية-نادى مصرية بلازا-الزقازيقعناية/ السيد المهندس / رئيس مجلس الادارةالتاريخ/ 29/9/2014الموضوع /تركيب فلتر ترشيحى على خزان مصدر المياه له بئر جوفى موجود بالنادىبناءا على التحاليل السابقة لمياه البئر هند انشاؤه :-كمية الاملاح الذائبة=597 مجم/لترارتفاع نسبة العسر المكونة من املاح الكالسيوم والماغنسيومارتفاع طفيف فى نسبة الكبريتات والحديد والبوتاسيوم والامونياوبناءا على التحاليل التى اجريت اليوم الساعة 4 عصرا:-كمية الاملاح الذائبة= 670 مجم/لترالتوصيلية الكهربية= 860 مجم/لترالعسر الكلى = 45 مجم/لترالاس الهيدروجينى= 9درجة الحرارة = 39 درجة مئويةنسبة الكالسيوم = 28 مجم/لترنسبة الماغنسيوم = 17 مجم/لترنسبة الكبريتات = 47 مجم /لترنسبة الامونيا = 2 مجم /لترنسبة الحديد = 0.3 مجم/لترنسبة الطحالب = ++وبناءا على معدل استهلاك المياه الشهرى لكل انحاء المشروع=5000 متر مكعب/شهريا=167 متر مكعب/يوم=7 متر مكعب/ساعة فنوصى بالتالى:-1- فلتر من الفيبر المقوى الرملى (جى ار بى) سعة 1 طن من الميديا مع ترك نسبة 30% لتحرك المياه2- مادة الزيوليت المتدرجة الاحجام (0,6-1مم/1-2مم/2-4مم/4-6مم) لازالة المعادن الثقيلة وازالة الطحالب والبكتريا والبكتريا لحجم 0,5 ميكرو وازالة الامونيا وتقليل عسر المياه بنسبة 60%3- سعة الفلتر=10 متر مكعب/ساعة4- الفلتر مزود براس اتوماتيك لضبط كمية المياه المطلوبة والتحكم بالغسيل العكسى5- الفلتر مزود بوحدة غسيل عكسى6- الفلتر يعمل طوال اليوم بدون توقف7- صلاحية الميديا 3 سنوات قبل التغييروبناءا على كمية التدفق وكفاءة الفلتر المقترحة نصل الى مستوى المياه التالى:-كمية الاملاح الذائبة= 250 مجم/لترالتوصيلية الكهربية=375 مجم/لترالعسر الكلى =30 مجم/لترنسبة الامونيا = لايوجدنسبة الحديد = لايوجدنسبة الطحالب = لايوجدنسبة الكبريتات =5 مجم/لترنسبة الكالسيوم =18 مجم/لترنسبة الماغنسيوم =12 مجم/لترالاس الهيدروجينى=7.5-8القلوية الكلية = 150 مجم/لتر [ltr]
1)resist high temperature
2)resist corrosion and high pressure
3)store strong acid,alkali,brine solution
4)can open top hole[/ltr]
Feature of FRP/GRP Vessel:
1. Light Weight[/ltr]
Density:1.5-1.9g/cm3, One Forth of the Steel .Its mechanical properties are near the Silicon Steel.[/ltr]
2. Exceptional resistance to corrosion.[/ltr]
3. Small Thermal-expansion coefficient, Good heat insulation property.[/ltr]
4. Easy Maintenance. Better Shape Performance.[/ltr]
مواصفات الراس الاتوماتيك
Automatic Filter Head [/ltr]
with automatic backwash control head valve model Fleck® 1600 . (Made In USA) [/ltr]
Duty : 1 duty[/ltr]
Capacity :10m/hr[/ltr]
Working presser:1.4-8.5 bar[/ltr]
Operating presseure:2 bar[/ltr]
Inlet/outlet :2.0"[/ltr]
Display :4 digits[/ltr]
Power supply :24v-50Hz
مواصفات مادة الزيوليت الترشيحية
Zeolite filter media: Setting a new standard for water filtration
High purity zeolite has the physical, mineral properties needed for efficient water filtration.
Over the past 50 years, advances in granular filter media water filtration have been achieved by using smaller mesh size sand combined with garnet or garnet/anthracite (multimedia) to achieve a nominal 12 to 15µ rating and to improve bed design and fluidics.
High purity zeolite media is now available that achieves a <5µ nominal rating.
Structure and properties
Mineralogically, there are about 40 known types of natural zeolites (hydrated silicates) of which clinoptilolite is the most common.
Clinoptilolite is classified as a crystalline, aluminum, silicon, oxide mineral (Berkhout 2002; Rempel, 1996).
This report describes a high purity 14 x 40 mesh, approximately 55 lb/cu. ft. bulk weight, clinoptilolite (zeolite) from the western US that has a high porosity, high surface area, a micro-crystal structure, and is abrasion resistant.
This zeolite media is classified under 21CFR Part 182.2729 and under 40 CFR Part 180 as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). It is also listed under NSF Standard 61.
Performance and advantages
Since the mid-1970s, lab and field test data reports in the US have indicated that zeolite filtration media has consistently outperformed sand, sand/anthracite and multimedia in both pressure vessels and gravity filtration tests (e.g., Foreman:1985: Johnson & Petersen, 2001 Hansen, 1997:, Johnson et al, 1997; Fuger, 2003).
Generally, the zeolite filter beds have 1.7 to 1.9 times the solids loading capacity/ft3 and superior filtration performance versus multimedia.
Based on more than 100 lab and field tests (2/3 using pressure vessels and 1/3 using gravity beds) since the mid-1990s representing commercial, residential and industrial water filtration projects, it has been concluded that high purity zeolite media is superior to conventional granular media.
Our test results using pressure vessels indicate
For solids loading capacity, high purity zeolite surpassed multimedia, sand/anthracite and sand;
Zeolite more effectively removes fine particles in the 0.5µ to 10µ range that escape conventional medaiI).
Similar results were observed for gravity beds. Some representative examples of high purity zeolite filter performance are provided below
Prefilter for GAC
Municipal water supplied to a restaurant contained elevated iron and other fine particles. Cartridge (5µ) filters rapidly loaded and caused reduced water flow to the GAC beds and chiller
A backwashing zeolite filter (10" diameter vessel with a 24" bed depth) was installed and tested by an independent engineer and technical consultant
The feedwater had 0.1µ to 10µ particles (average SDI or silt density index = 4.3)
The zeolite bed effectively removed the iron particles. The product water particles were in the 0.1µ to 2.3µ range, with an average SDI = 0
Bottled water plant
A bottled water plant pumped groundwater to four 48"diameter pressure vessels that feed two RO units.
The multimedia reduced the well water SDI by an average 5 percent compared to 45 to 50 percent SDI reduction for the zeolite media.
The sand/garnet was replaced with an equal volume (545.5 ft3) of 14 x 40 mesh zeolite. The zeolite, when operated at the same flow rate (2.5 gpm/ft2), removed greater than 98 percent of the turbidity versus approximately 20 percent for the sand/garnet.
The zeolite has provided superior filtration for two years.
Flow rates, backwashing guidelines
For pressure vessels, a 36" bed depth is generally used with undergravel, plus approximately 50 percent freeboard, similar to multimedia beds
The optimum service flow rate for pressure vessels ranges from 12 to greater than 20 gpm/ft2 of bed area, depending on the water filtration application
For example, use 12 gpm/ft2 for RO and GAC pre-filtration; use 15 gpm/ft2 to achieve low turbidity well water, surface water and for industrial projects; and 18 to 20 gpm/ft2 rate to get high water volume for projects with lower filtration requirements
Since virgin zeolite has "fines" from mine production, it is important to backwash it prior to placing in service
The backwash rule-of-thumb is to achieve 35 percent bed expansion using a backwash rate of 20 gpm/ft2 until the water is clear for new zeolite, and for six minutes for routine operational backwash cycles
Alternatively, air scour can be used with water to reduce backwash water usage
Zeolite has a wide range of applications:[/ltr]
Water Treatment[/ltr]
* Water filtration
* Heavy metal removal
* Swimming pools[/ltr]
Wastewater Treatment[/ltr]
* Ammonia in municipal sludge
* Heavy metal removal
* Septic leach fields[/ltr]
* Odor control
* Confined animal environmental control
* Livestock feed additives[/ltr]
* Nurseries, Greenhouses
* Floriculture
* Vegetables/herbs
* Foliage
* Tree and shrub transplanting
* Turf grass soil amendment
* Reclamation, revegetation, landscaping
* Silviculture (forestry, tree plantations)
* Medium for hydroponic growing[/ltr]
Household Products[/ltr]
* Household odor control
* Pet odor control[/ltr]
Industrial Products[/ltr]
* Absorbents for oil and spills
* Gas separations[/ltr]
Radioactive Waste[/ltr]
* Site remediation/decontamination[/ltr]
* Ammonia filtration in fish hatcheries
* Biofilter media[/ltr]